With only a bit of information and determination…. I know know who Anderson Bench is, and lemme tell you, you should too.


(He’s not what you think, either…)

Let me see if I can give you a taste without giving too much away: Anderson is a regular guy in a regular job and things go …awry (let’s say). He falls in love and …. things go awryier? (is that a word???)

Anyway this thing is hitting festivals as of Wed the 20th, and if you see it on the playbill, you should go. It’s ‘Grindhouse a-go-go’ with a nice love story (well, not too nice) tossed into that same grinder. It’s got chills and thrills, and Doggie-Burger-Land is catering the whole party.

Anderson Bench Trailer from Maddie Nichols on Vimeo.

Yeah, I know I already linked this trailer, but it’s all you get so watch it again and ask yourself: Who is Anderson Bench???


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